




set the locV of sprite mySpNum to abs(the bound of me*sin((the myT of me/kagen )/pi()))*(-1)+280

the bound of meとは跳ね返りの割合を擬似的に処理するための変数です。この変数は10から150までの間を振動するように設定してあります。
the myT of meとはステップ数です。……ええと、プロパティなどの扱いがめんどうなので、全スクリプトを公開します。


property myH,myV,myColor,myT,mySpNum,mydirH,bound,hMove,boundFlag

on new me,num
 set the myH of me to random(250)+20
 set the myV of me to random(250)+20
 set the myColor of me to random(256)-1
 set the myT of me to random(300)
 set the mySpNum of me to num
 set the myDirH of me to 1
 set the boundFlag of me to 1
 set the bound of me to (random(7)+3)*15
 set the hMove of me to random(5)+15
 return me

on move me
 --on startMovieを参照して下さい

 global kagen

 set the castNum of sprite mySpNum to the myT of me mod 5 + 11
 if sprite mySpNum intersects 10 then puppetSound 3 "5"
 if sprite mySpNum intersects 11 then puppetSound 4 "4"
 if sprite mySpNum intersects 12 then puppetSound 5 "3"
 if sprite mySpNum intersects 13 then puppetSound 6 "2"
 if sprite mySpNum intersects 14 then puppetSound 7 "1"
 if the myH of me <1 or the myH of me >300 then
  set the mydirH of me to the myDirH of me *(-1)
 end if
 set the hMove of me to the hMove of me -0.1
 if the hMove of me <0 then set the hMove of me to random(5) +15
 set the myT of me to the myT of me + 1

 if the bound of me <10 then
  set the boundFlag of me to 1
 else if the bound of me >200 then
  set the boundFlag of me to -1
 end if
 set the bound of me to the bound of me +3*the boundFlag of me
 set the locV of sprite mySpNum to abs(the bound of me*sin((the myT of me/kagen )/pi()))*(-1)+280
 set the locH of sprite mySpNum to the myH of me + the hMove of me*(the myDirH of me)
 set the myH of me to the locH of sprite mySpNum
 set the foreColor of sprite mySpNum to the myColor of me

on creatBalls

 global watasi,kodomo,mago,himago,yasyamago
 set watasi to new (script"oya",1)
 set kodomo to new(script"oya",2)
 set mago to new(script"oya",3)
 set himago to new(script"oya",4)
 set yasyamago to new(script"oya",5)

on exitFrame
 global watasi,kodomo,mago,himago,yashamago
 move watasi
 move kodomo
 move mago
 move himago
 move yasyamago
 go to the frame

on startMovie
 global kagen
 repeat with m=1 to 5
  puppetsprite m,TRUE
 end repeat
 set kagen to 3.7
 put kagen into field "smooth"

© Akira SAno 1996
96/11/23更新 homeホームに戻る