



on startMovie
 global yourmoney
 set originalText = value(getPref("Poker.txt"))
 if not voidP(originalText) then
  set newText = string(originalText + 10)
  setPref "Poker.txt",newText
  setPref "Poker.txt","100"
 end if
 set money = getpref("Poker.txt")
 put value(money) into yourmoney

on init
 global CardList,HaitiVList,HaitiHList ,MarkList,AtamaList,OwariList,MarkItemsList,ZureHList,ZureVList,changeList,changeflag,bet,CPUscore,HumanScore,NowMarkList,NowNumberList,NowList,NowMarkCastList,NowMarkCastColorList
 set CardList=[]
 set NowList=[]
 set HaitiHList=[45, 45,45, 45,45,45, 30,60,30,60, 30,60,45,30,60, 30,60,30,60,30,60, 30,60,45,30,60,30,60, 30,60,45,30,60,45,30,60, 30,60,30,60,45,30,60,30,60, 30,60,45,30,60,30,60,45,30,60, 45, 45, 45]
 set HaitiVList=[60, 40,80, 30,60,90, 40,40,80,80, 30,30,60,90,90, 30,30,60,60,90,90, 30,30,45,60,60,90,90, 30,30,45,60,60,75,90,90, 23,24,48,48,60,72,72,96,96, 24,24,36,48,48,72,72,84,96,96 , 60, 60, 60]
 set MarkList=[9,10,11,12,12]
 set AtamaList=[1,2,4,7,11,16,22,29,37,46,56,57,58]
 set OwariList=[1,3,6,10,15,21,28,36,45,55,56,57,58]
 set MarkItemList=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1,1,1]
 set ZureHList=[13,108,203,298,393,13,108,203,298,393]
 set ZureVList=[6,6,6,6,6,187,187,187,187,187]
 set changeList=[1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]
 set changeflag=0
 set bet=1
 set Humanscore=0
 set NowMarkList=[]
 set NowNumberList=[]
 set NowMarkCastList=[]
 set NowMarkCastColorList=[]
 repeat with fieldfont=21 to 30
  set the textsize of cast fieldfont to 12
 end repeat
 set the textsize of field "syouhai" to 24
 put "" into field "message"
 repeat with c=1 to 52
  setAt CardList,c,c
 end repeat
 repeat with shaffle=1 to 200
  put random(52) into target
  setAt CardList, 52+1, getAt(CardList, target)
  deleteAt CardList, target
 end repeat
 repeat with now=1 to 10
  setAt NowList,now,getAt(CardList,now)
 end repeat
 repeat with m=1 to 10
  puppetSprite m,TRUE
  set the forecolor of sprite m to 35
 end repeat
 repeat with number=1 to 5
  put "" into field "CPU"&number
  put "" into field "Human"&number
 end repeat
 kubaru 10

on Kubaru spNum
 global CardList,NowList,changeList
 repeat with Card=1 to spNum
  set the visible of sprite Card to False
 end repeat
 puppetSound "shaffle"
 repeat while the Timer < 1*50
 end repeat
 repeat with openCard=1 to spNum
  set the visible of sprite Opencard to TRUE
  set the forecolor of sprite OpenCard to 35
  puppetSound "card"
 end repeat

on MarKAndNumber
 global CardList,NowList,NowMarkList,NowNumberList,NowMarkCastList,NowMarkCastColorList,changeList
 repeat with m=1 to 10
  if getat(changeList,m)=1 then
   put integer((GetAt (NowList,m )-1) /13 +1) into Mark
   put getAt (MarkList,Mark) into MarkCast
   setAt NowMarkList,m,MarkCast
   put GetAt (NowList,m)mod 13 into Number
if Number=0 then set Number =13
setAt NowNumberList ,m,Number
  if MarkCast=9 then
put 61 into NMK
set NMCC to 255
else if MarkCast=10 then
put 62 into NMK
set NMCC to 255
else if MarkCast=11 then
put 63 into NMK
set NMCC to 35
else if MarkCast=12 then
put 64 into NMK
set NMCC to 35
end if
setAt NowMarkCastList,m,NMK
setAt NowMarkCastColorList,m,NMCC
end if
end repeat
on hyouzi start,end
global CardList,NowList,HaitiVList,haitiHList,MarkList,AtamaList,OwariList,MarkItemsList,NowMarkList,NowNumberList,changeList,NowMarkCastList,NowMarkCastColorList
 repeat with Now=Start to End
  if getAt(changeList,Now) = 1 then
   set the castNum of sprite Now to 4
   set the forecolor of sprite Now to 256
   repeat with markDrawStart=getAt(AtamaList,getAt(NowNumberList,Now)) to getAt(OwariList,getAt(NowNumberList,Now))
   put GetAt(NowNumberList,Now) into Num
   if Num=11 then
    set the castNum of sprite Now+20 to 13
   else if Num=12 then
    set the castNum of sprite Now+20 to 14
   else if Num=13 then
    set the castNum of sprite Now+20 to 15
    set the castNum of sprite Now+20 to getAt(NowMarkList,Now)
   end if
   set the locH of sprite Now+20 to getAt(HaitiHList,markDrawStart) + getAt(ZureHList,Now)
   set the locV of sprite Now+20 to getAt(HaitiVList,markDrawStart) + getAt(ZureVList,Now)
  end repeat
  put getAt(NowNumberList,Now) into DisplayText
  if DisplayText=11 then set DisplayText to "J"
  if DisplayText=12 then set DisplayText to "Q"
  if DisplayText=13 then set DisplayText to "K"
  put DisPlayText into cast Now+20
  set the castNum of sprite 42 to getAt(NowMarkCastList,Now)
  set the locH of sprite 42 to getAt(ZureHList,Now)+7
set the locV of sprite 42 to getAt(ZureVList,Now)+25
set the forecolor of sprite 42 to getAt(NowMarkCastColorList,Now)
  end if
 end repeat
 set changeList=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
 set the locH of sprite 42 to -200
on hantei
global CardList,NowList,NowMarkList,NowNumberList,BunruiNumberHumanList,HumanMarkListNew,HumanNumberListNew,humanScore,humanNumberHead
set BunruiNumberHumanList=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
set HumanMarkListNew=[]
set HumanNumberListNew=[]
set humanNumberHead to 0
set humanscore to 0
repeat with copy =6 to 10
setAt HumanMarkListNew,copy-5,getAt(NowMarkList,copy)
setAt HumanNumberListNew,copy-5,getAt(NowNumberList,copy)
end repeat
sort HumanMarkListNew
sort HumanNumberListNew
put "" into field "message"
repeat with add=6 to 9
setAt HumanNumberListNew,add,0
end repeat
repeat with m=1 to 13
put getOne(HumanNumberListNew,m) into head
if head=0 then
setAt BunruiNumberHumanList,m,1
if head <=4 and getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head) =getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head+1) then setAt BunruiNumberHumanList,m,2
if head <=3 and getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head) =getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head+2) then setAt BunruiNumberHumanList,m,3
if head <= 2 and getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head) =getAt(HumanNumberListNew,head+3) then setAt BunruiNumberHumanList,m,4
end if
end repeat
put "Nothing" into field "message"
if getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,2)<>0 then
put getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,2) into pairHead
repeat with Q=pairHead+1 to 13
if getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,Q)=2 then
put" 2pair" into field "message"
set humanscore=2
exit repeat
put pairhead into humanNumberHead
put"1pair of " &pairhead into field "message"
set humanscore=1
end if
end repeat
if pairhead=13 then put "1pair of 13" into field "message"
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,3)<>0 then
put getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,3) into humanNumberHead
put "3Card of "&humanNumberHead & "!!" into field "message"
set humanscore=3
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,3)<>0 and getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,2)<>0 then
put "FullHouse " into field "message"
set humanscore=6
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberHumanList,4)<>0 then
put "4 Card !! " into field "message"
set humanscore=100
end if
if max(BunruiNumberHumanList) = 1 and getOne (BunruiNumberHumanList,1) <=9 then
put getOne (BunruiNumberHumanList,1) into singleHead
if getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,singleHead+1)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,singleHead+2)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,singleHead+3)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,singleHead+4)=1 then
put "Straight " into field "message"
set humanscore=4
end if
if getAt(HumanMarkListNew,1) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,2) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,3) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,4) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,5) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,1) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,2) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,3) then
if humanScore=0 then
put "Flush !!" into field "message"
put "Flush" after field "message"
end if
set humanscore=humanscore+5
end if
if getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,1) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,10) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,11) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,12) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberHumanList,13) = 1 ツ
and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,1) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,2) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,3) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,4) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,5) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,1) and getAt(HumanMarkListNew,2) = getAt(HumanMarkListNew,3) then
put "ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH !!!" into field "message"
set humanscore=10000
end if
end if
on btnEffectDown
global changeList
put the clickOn into NowSpNum
puppetSprite NowSpNum , TRUE
put the locV of sprite NowSpNum into NowV
put the locH of sprite NowSpNum into NowH
set the locH of sprite NowSpNum to NowH +2
set the locV of sprite NowSpNum to NowV +2
repeat while the mouseDown
end repeat
set the locV of sprite NowSpNum to NowV
set the locH of sprite NowSpNum to NowH
set the castNum of sprite NowSpNum to 17
set the forecolor of sprite nowSpNum to 35
setAt changeList, NowSpNum-38,1
on btnEffectUp
global changeList
put the clickOn into NowSpNum
puppetSprite NowSpNum , TRUE
put the locV of sprite NowSpNum into NowV
put the locH of sprite NowSpNum into NowH
set the locH of sprite NowSpNum to NowH +2
set the locV of sprite NowSpNum to NowV +2
repeat while the mouseDown
end repeat
set the locV of sprite NowSpNum to NowV
set the locH of sprite NowSpNum to NowH
set the castNum of sprite NowSpNum to 16
set the forecolor of sprite nowSpNum to 255
setAt changeList, NowSpNum-38,0
on reDraw start,End
global changeList
repeat with redrawcard=Start to End
if getAt(changeList,redrawcard) =1 then
puppetsound "card"
put "" into cast redrawcard+20
set the locH of sprite redrawcard+20 to -300
set the locV of sprite redrawcard+20 to -300
set the castNum of sprite redrawCard to 54
end if
end repeat
on CPUthink
global CardList,BunruiNumberCPUList,NowMarkListNew,NowNumberListNew,ChangeList,changeFlag,CPUscore,CPUNumberhead,NowMarkList,NowNumberList,BunruiMarkCPUList
set BunruiNumberCPUList=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
set BunruiMarkCPUList=[0,0,0,0]
set CPUMarkListNew=[]
set CPUNumberListNew=[]
set CPUNumberhead=0
repeat with a=1 to 5
setAt CPUMarkListNew,a,getAt(NowMarkList,a)
setAt CpuNumberListNew,a ,getAt(NowNumberList,a)
end repeat
sort CPUMarkListNew
sort CPUNumberListNew
put "" into field "CPUmessage"
repeat with Q=1 to 5
setAt BunruiMarkCPUList , getAt(CPUMarkListNew,Q),getAt(BunruiMarkCPUList,getAt(CPUMarkListNew,Q)-8)
end repeat
repeat with add=6 to 9
setAt CPUNumberListNew,add,0
end repeat
repeat with m=1 to 13
put getOne(CPUNumberListNew,m) into head
if head=0 then
setAt BunruiNumberCPUList,m,1
if head <=4 and getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head) =getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head+1) then setAt BunruiNumberCPUList,m,2
if head <=3 and getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head) =getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head+2) then setAt BunruiNumberCPUList,m,3
if head <= 2 and getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head) =getAt(CPUNumberListNew,head+3) then setAt BunruiNumberCPUList,m,4
end if
end repeat
put "Nothing" into field "CPUmessage"
if getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,2)<>0 then
put getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,2) into pairHead
repeat with Q=pairHead+1 to 13
if getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,Q)=2 then
put "2pair" into field "CPUmessage"
set CPUscore=2
exit repeat
set CPUscore=1
set CPUNumberHead=pairhead
put "1pair of "& pairhead into field "CPUmessage"
end if
end repeat
if pairhead=13 then
set CPUNumberHead=13
put "1pair of 13" into field "CPUmessage"
end if
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,3)<>0 then
set CPUscore=3
put getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,3) into CPUNumberHead
put "3Card of "&CPUNumberHead &"!!" into field "CPUmessage"
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,3)<>0 and getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,2)<>0 then
put "FullHouse" into field "CPUmessage"
set CPUscore=6
end if
if getOne( BunruiNumberCPUList,4)<>0 then
put "Four Card !!" into field "CPUmessage"
set CPUscore=1000
end if
if max(BunruiNumberCPUList) = 1 and getOne (BunruiNumberCPUList,1) <=9 then
put getOne (BunruiNumberCPUList,1) into singleHead
if getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,singleHead+1)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,singleHead+2)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,singleHead+3)=1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,singleHead+4)=1 then
set CPUscore=4
put "Straight" into field "CPUmessage"
end if
end if
if getAt(CPUMarkListNew,1) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,2) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,3) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,4) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,5) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,1) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,2) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,3) then
if CPUscore=0 then
put "Flush" into field "CPUmessage"
put "Flush" after field "CPUmessage"
end if
set CPUscore=CPUscore+5
end if
if getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,1) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,10) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,11) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,12) = 1 and getAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,13) = 1 ツ
and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,1) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,2) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,3) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,4) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,5) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,1) and getAt(CPUMarkListNew,2) = getAt(CPUMarkListNew,3) then
put "Royal Straight Flush !!!" into field "CPUmessage"
set CPUscore=100000
end if
if changeflag=1 then
set changeflag=0
if CPUscore <= 1000 then
set ChangeList=[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]
set CPUscore to 0
if Max(BunruiMarkCPUList)=4 then
setAt Changelist,getOne(NowMarkList,getOne(BunruiMarkCPUList, 1)),1
repeat with checkNumber=1 to 5
if GetAt(BunruiNumberCPUList,GetAt(NowNumberList,checkNumber))=1 then setAt ChangeList,checkNumber,1
end repeat
end if
repeat with swap=1 to 5
if getAt(ChangeList,swap)=1 then setAt NowList,swap,getAt(CardList,swap+10)
end repeat
set changeFlag to 1
end if
end if

on syouhai
 global CPUscore,humanscore,bet,yourmoney,humanNumberHead,CPUNumberHead
 if cpuscore > humanscore then
  put "You LOST" into field "syouhai"
  set yourmoney = yourmoney - bet*CpuScore
 else if Cpuscore=humanscore then
  if humanNumberHead < CPUNumberHead then
   put "You LOST" into field "syouhai"
   set yourmoney = yourmoney - bet*CpuScore
  else if humanNumberHead = CPUNumberHead then
   put "Draw" into field "syouhai"
   put "You Win "into field "syouhai"
   set yourmoney = yourmoney + bet * HumanScore
  end if
  put "You Win "into field "syouhai"
  set yourmoney = yourmoney + bet * HumanScore
 end if
 put "$" && yourmoney into field "yourName"
 setPref "Poker.txt",string(yourmoney)
© Akira SAno 1996
96/12/7更新 homeホームに戻る